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5 Tips From the Top 5 QSR Brands of 2021

5 Tips From the Top 5 QSR Brands of 2021

The QSR industry has seen a lot of changes in the last two years. Some as a result of reactive adaptation to the current global environment. Others as an outcome of proactive innovation. All, regardless of the motivation, impacted (and continue to impact) the customer experience.

In facing the challenges head-on and rising to the challenge of new opportunities, several QSR brands came out as clear leaders in customer satisfaction. Want to know which brands, and what you can learn from them to make your customers happier and grow your business?

In no particular order, here are the top 5 QSR brands this year and our take on them:

#1 Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A keeps its word of providing only the best service to its customers. Ranked number one among surveyees, Chick-fil-A is most known for its fast and efficient drive-thrus.

One thing that’s certain is that humans hate waiting. And that is exactly what Chick-fil-A tries to minimize to boost customer satisfaction. One of their solutions to speed up the ordering process is to have a team of servers take orders and mobile payments from cars in the drive-thru lanes. With this, customers can get in and out quickly, even with the super long queues!

Chick-fil-A’s strategy to provide optimum customer service is aided by their innovation centers, where they conduct tests to maximize restaurant efficiency. This has been especially useful during the pandemic when restaurants had to change modes of taking orders to abide by new regulations. Now, as the economy begins to open up, you can look forward to the upcoming innovations this brand has brewing in their innovation labs.

Tip #1: Do not keep customers waiting, and strive for fast and efficient service. Seek constant improvements through innovation to serve customers better.

#2 Starbucks 

While other QSRs were struggling to make ends meet, Starbucks managed to successfully recover thanks to their base of loyal customers. Their rewards program, which was already popular before the pandemic, grew, even more, when it expanded the way customers can earn their rewards. Needless to say, rewards members have a higher average order value because they can redeem their “Starbucks Stars” for free beverages.

What’s more, Starbucks takes their employee engagement seriously by providing them with competitive benefits, including bonuses and tuition coverage for those who want to earn a bachelor’s degree for the first time. The brand even calls their employees ‘partners’ because they believe that they have a share in the company’s success. When you keep your employees happy, they keep your customers happy.

Tip #2: Loyalty is everything. Come up with an impressive loyalty program for your customers. And also, serve your customers better by implementing new ways of investing in your employees.

#3 Domino’s

Domino’s was one of the first concepts to enter the COVID era on solid footing by already having an established delivery system in place. What sets them apart from the rest who have rolled out new systems? Domino’s makes it easy for customers, both new and returning, to order on their website. They even took the extra step to save customer data so returning customers can automatically reorder their favorite meal whenever they open the Domino’s app.

And if you don't already know, Domino’s prides themselves in their delivery that takes “30 minutes or less.” Failure to deliver within this period will result in a free pizza for the customer. Though this policy was eventually halted (for various reasons), it did make them more prominent in the pizza delivery scene. And needless to say, this attracted more customers to order from them.

Tip #3: Build a loyal customer base by making it easy for customers to order. Leverage data to set your brand apart. Consider making promises you can deliver, and provide incentives if you fail to do so.

#4 KFC

Aside from being finger-lickin’ good, this famous fried chicken restaurant chain has been keeping their customers engaged by regularly spicing up their menu. In their most recent venture, KFC joined Popeyes, Chick-fil-A, and McDonald’s in their chicken-sandwich wars. And it proved to be quite successful. In the end, sales for their new chicken sandwich were more than 2x of their past sandwich sales.

KFC also adapted their promotions according to consumer behavior. During the pandemic, their menu combos were more targeted towards individuals since most had to take their meals solo.

Tip #4: Avoid sticking to the status quo. It never hurts to ride a current trend to gain more exposure. You might also want to adapt your menu offerings according to the current climate. 

#5 Five Guys

The prices in Five Guys may not scream affordable, but when it comes to service and quality, you can count on them to deliver the best. Their menu offerings are made from fresh and quality ingredients. Even though they might be parked under the fast-food category with a simple menu, their food is comparable to those of gourmet standards.

Quality food coupled with the perfect burger-joint ambiance (that is, great customer service and spectacular interior), it’s no wonder customers have no complaints about their experiences.

Tip #5: Consistency is key. Customers can always expect to get the same great quality of food and service at every location. Ensure that your employees are trained well to provide consistently good service and products.

Grow Your Business

The QSR industry is not an easy one to venture into. With big names dominating the market, you need to make sure you’re doing everything you can to help your restaurant succeed. If you are a small business owner looking to grow your restaurant, take some pointers from the industry leaders above on how you can improve customer satisfaction.  After all, people-centric growth is the key driver to your success. Most importantly, always seek to improve your business. Innovation is everywhere and without it, even the biggest name will fall behind.

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