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Hiring Hacks: How to keep your hourly workers from getting burnt out

Running a quick-service restaurant (QSR) is a lot like creating the perfect dish—getting the balance just right is key. While finding and hiring top talent is essential, keeping those hourly workers happy and engaged is the secret ingredient for long-term success.

One of the biggest challenges in the QSR world is overworked hourly workers. When your team is stretched too thin, it’s easy for them to feel the heat and eventually burn out, leading to high turnover rates. Dr. Kathy Gosser, Director of the Young Centre for Global Franchise Excellence at the University of Louisville, has done some deep research on this topic, shining a light on the negative impact of overwork on hourly workers.


But don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to make sure your team doesn’t get fried. Here are seven strategies that can help your hourly workers feel less overworked and more appreciated.

1. Don't schedule fewer hourly workers than you need

This might seem like an obvious one, but too often, operators try to cut labor costs by scheduling a lean team. And while this works in the short term, it's a surefire way to burn out your hourly workers and leave your customers with less-than-optimal service. 

By using advanced scheduling tools and workforce management software, you can ensure that shifts are properly staffed and the workload is shared evenly. This keeps everything running smoothly, reducing stress for your team and serving up a better experience for your customers.

2. Create a positive work environment 

A happy crew leads to happy customers! When your hourly workers feel valued, supported, and part of something bigger, they’re less likely to feel overworked and more likely to bring their A-game every day. Encourage teamwork, celebrate successes, and make sure everyone knows they’re a crucial part of the mix.

3. Collect feedback from your hourly workers regularly 

Regularly checking in with your hourly workers can help you catch any signs of overwork before they boil over. Automated surveys are a great way to gather honest feedback and understand what your employees are really thinking. Use this information to make adjustments and keep the workplace running smoothly.

Workstream Hiring Tip: Get ahead of the curve by conducting regular, short surveys with Workstream. With customizable templates and a mobile-friendly experience, it’s a piece of cake to gather feedback and track completion all in one place.

4. Prioritize training and support

Comprehensive training programs help your hourly workers feel confident and prepared, reducing the stress that comes with uncertainty. By offering ongoing support and development opportunities, you’re showing your team that you’re committed to their growth, not just their output.

5. Embrace flexibility

A good work-life balance is essential for your team’s well-being. Flexible scheduling, regular breaks, and paid time off all help make the job more satisfying and help prevent burnout. When your hourly workers know they have time to rest and recharge, they’ll be ready to serve up their best every day.

6. Streamline operations

Streamlining your processes isn’t just about getting more done; it’s about creating a work environment where productivity thrives, and your team stays energized and motivated, reducing the risk of burnout.

Tools like point-of-sale (POS) systems and kitchen display systems make order processing a breeze. Digital paperwork and app-based shift scheduling help everyone work smarter, not harder.

When you bring in lean principles and focus on continuous improvement, you’re not just cutting out the clutter—you’re giving your hourly workers the freedom to concentrate on what really matters. It’s all about freeing up time and resources so your team can shine in the areas that count the most.

7. Provide opportunities for growth

Nobody wants to feel stuck in a dead-end job. Offering clear paths for advancement is a great way to build a loyal workforce that's more likely to stick around. Recognize their achievements, offer incentives, and watch your team rise to the occasion.

By mixing in the right strategies, you can prevent your hourly workers from feeling overworked and keep them sizzling with enthusiasm. Remember, a well-supported team is the secret to a thriving business. So, let’s whip up a positive and sustainable work environment that benefits everyone—because when your team is happy, your customers are too!

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