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Streamline hiring and retention starts right here

Think of us as your secret ingredient to hiring and onboarding top talent. Our smart technology accelerates HR tasks so you can hire serious workers, retain them longer, and improve operational efficiency.
Book a free demo now to: 
  • Enjoy a personalized walkthrough of the Workstream platform
  • Share your HR goals, and learn proven strategies to efficiently hire and retain hourly workers
  • Discover which pricing option makes the most sense for your business
Enjoy a 10% discount exclusively for members of the HCAOA. Plus, we’ll waive the implementation and training fee.

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Enjoy a 10% discount exclusively for members of the HCAOA. Plus, we’ll waive the implementation and training fee.

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The user experience has been really easy. With the same amount of ad spend, we’ve gone up by probably 30 or 40% on sourcing applicants. Also, our hire rate is up about 50% because people are getting to candidates a lot faster.

Bryce Porter

Chief Strategy Officer

Covenant Care