Checkr integration
Fast, smooth, and safe background checks
Cut down the time you have to spend reminding your applicants to complete tasks, slogging through the details of the background check reports, and managing adverse actions manually.

Checkr’s automation and AI-powered technology provides fast, accurate, and fair background checks. Reduce your time-to-hire by triggering background checks through Checkr directly within Workstream.
Use code Workstream! during the sign up process to receive $50 off your first Checkr invoice.
Faster background checks
Hiring managers quickly kick off the background check process using Checkr in Workstream.
From there, the process is fast. 89% of all criminal checks, including county searches, complete within one hour, 75% of reports are completed within one day.
Automated operations
Eliminate duplicative systems and inefficient, manual tracking. Use Checkr’s time-saving workflows and automated follow-ups directly with Workstream, streamlining the background check experience for hiring managers and removing friction between the offer letter and background check stage

Increased accuracy and compliance
All of Checkr’s employees are PBSA (Professional Background Screening Association) certified, meaning they know the ins and outs of running a background check. Checkr has built all regulatory compliance elements related to hiring with background checks directly into the product so you don’t have to worry about it.
Mobile friendly applicant experience
Maintain the mobile-friendly hiring experience applicants are used to with Workstream with Checkr’s candidate portal.
Real-time visibility into background check statuses on a county-level keeps applicants engaged, improves conversion, and helps reduce applicant contact rates.