Puppy Playground Careers and Jobs

Puppy Playground Careers and Jobs

At Puppy Playground, we strive on a daily basis to uphold our Core Values: Safe, Clean & Healthy, Exceptional Service, Uphold Trust, Being Present, and Valuing the Privilege of caring for your furry child. Our Core Values are the differentiating factor in what keeps Puppy Playground a unique experience for you and your pet. We live and breathe these Core Values in everything we do. We also focus on continual education and offer many opportunities for professional growth. All team members undergo annual first aid and CPR training in order to provide the absolute best care for your pet.
7224 Rockville Rd, Indianapolis, IN, 46214
The Bather is a position within the Resort. We believe in the mis...
#{t('Rate of pay')}Starting at $13 per hour
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7224 Rockville Rd, Indianapolis, IN, 46214
The Pet Pro is a position within the Resort . We believe in the m...
#{t('Rate of pay')}Starting at $13 per hour
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Pet GroomerFull-time
7224 Rockville Rd, Indianapolis, IN, 46214
The Pet Groomer is a commission-based position within the Resort ...
#{t('View position')}}
#{t('Based on your location')} Based on your location
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