Hire bartenders in Hoffman Estates, Illinois

Post a job for bartenders in Hoffman Estates for free and hire bartenders 70% faster with automated hiring and text-to-hire with candidates.

Frequently Asked Questions about hiring in Hoffman Estates

What is the best way to find and hire in Hoffman Estates near me?
Online job boards are the best place to find qualified Hoffman Estates applicants. Employers posting their Hoffman Estates jobs on Indeed get about 20 applications from that board on average.
Which job boards should I post on to find Hoffman Estates applicants?
You should post to multiple job boards at once. The most successful job postings for Hoffman Estates are on Indeed – but on average, employers post to 11 boards at the same time, using tools like Workstream. Publishing to multiple job boards at once helps you get your first applicant in 3 hours on average, which is shorter than the average for Hoffman Estates positions.
What's the best way to communicate with applicants looking for a role in Hoffman Estates?
SMS has 91% open rates which is higher than phone call or Email. Text to hire today!
Is it OK to text Hoffman Estates job applicants?
Hourly paid workers are actually more engaged when texting about jobs. We have found that text messages are 139% better than email at getting an applicant's response. Have a look at Workstream, which automates the process of texting and uses a phone number specifically assigned to your job post so you don’t have to use your personal phone.
Can I use a different phone number to engage Hoffman Estates applicants via text message?
Yes, tools such as Workstream provide custom phone numbers that allow employers to engage with applicants through their tool without having to use a personal or business cell phone.

Try out Workstream to hire in Hoffman Estates for
your business

A revolutionary hiring process for Hourly positions

A revolutionary hiring process for Hourly positions Hiring hourly staff in Hoffman Estates can be a tough job. Workstream can help accelerate the process by letting you post on job boards like Indeed within seconds.

1-Click Job Posting

No more tedious copy and pasting. We integrate with all the top job boards. All applicants funnel into one intuitive dashboard.

Text-to-Apply Posters

Print out your unique QR code and text message number. Applicants scan/text to see all open positions and apply right away.

Automated & 2-Way SMS

Engage with applicants via text. Include links to screening questions, forms, and more. Use 2-way text to answer questions.

Endless Integrations

Connect Workstream to your calendar so applicants can schedule interviews. Streamline onboarding with background check & HR integrations.

Candidate Tracking & Scoring

View all your applicants and employees in one place. Make notes on their progress. Access their docs anytime from anywhere.

Customizable Templates

We provide templates for everything from job postings to offer letters. Send links to docs and tax forms via text message so new hires sign digital copies.

What other Restaurant owners
think about hiring through Workstream

"Ease of moving through applicants. Time management with easy scheduling. Simple process from start to finish."

Great Service Restaurants dba Jamba

Currently hiring on Workstream for:

Assistant Manager

General Manager

Team Member

"This is a great time saving system"

A&W Canada

"Ease of use and ability to contact applicants or decline their application. Easy to keep dashboard clean."


Currently hiring on Workstream for:

District Manager

General Manager

Team Member