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Bereavement leave company policy template

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Bereavement leave is a policy that allows employees to take time off from work to grieve the loss of a loved one. This time off is typically unpaid and is granted to employees who have experienced the death of a family member or close friend. The purpose of bereavement leave is to provide employees with the opportunity to mourn their loss without the added stress of work responsibilities.

Importance of Bereavement Leave Company Policy

Having a bereavement leave policy in place is crucial for supporting employees during difficult times. It shows that the company values the well-being of its employees and recognizes the importance of allowing them to take the time they need to grieve. Providing bereavement leave can also help improve employee morale and loyalty, as it demonstrates empathy and understanding from the employer.

How to Write a Company Bereavement Leave Policy

  1. Define eligibility criteria for bereavement leave, including which family members are covered under the policy.
  2. Specify the amount of time off allowed for bereavement leave and whether it is paid or unpaid.
  3. Outline the process for requesting bereavement leave, including who employees should notify and what documentation may be required.
  4. Communicate the company's expectations for how employees should use bereavement leave and any limitations on its use.
  5. Provide resources for employees who may need additional support during their time of bereavement.

By following these steps, HR professionals can create a comprehensive bereavement leave policy that supports employees during difficult times.

Bereavement Leave Company Policy Template

In the unfortunate event of a loss in an employee's immediate family, we offer bereavement leave to provide time for grieving and necessary arrangements. This policy applies to all full-time employees and is subject to the following guidelines:


  • Employees are eligible for bereavement leave for the loss of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, or grandchild.
  • The employee must notify their supervisor as soon as possible and provide documentation, such as a death certificate or obituary.


  • Employees are entitled to up to [number] days of paid bereavement leave, depending on the relationship to the deceased.
  • Additional unpaid leave may be granted at the discretion of the company.


  • Bereavement leave should be taken consecutively and must be used within [number] days of the death.
  • Employees may be required to provide periodic updates on their return-to-work date.


  • We encourage employees to utilize our Employee Assistance Program for additional support during this difficult time.
  • Managers are encouraged to be understanding and flexible with bereaved employees' needs.


  • For more information on bereavement leave laws and regulations, please refer to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) guidelines [source link].
  • Additional resources can be found on the Department of Labor website [source link].

We understand the importance of supporting our employees during times of loss and are committed to providing compassionate and flexible bereavement leave.


  • What is our company's policy on bereavement leave?
    Our company's policy on bereavement leave allows employees to take time off to grieve the loss of a close family member. This includes parents, siblings, children, and spouses. Employees are typically granted a certain number of days off with pay to attend the funeral and take care of any necessary arrangements. It is important for employees to notify their supervisor as soon as possible and provide documentation, such as an obituary or funeral program, to support their request for bereavement leave.
  • Are there any restrictions on who qualifies for bereavement leave?
    In order to qualify for bereavement leave, employees must be able to provide documentation of the family member's passing, such as an obituary or funeral program. The policy typically applies to immediate family members, such as parents, siblings, children, and spouses. Extended family members, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, may not be covered under the bereavement leave policy. It is important for employees to review the specific details of the policy to understand who is eligible for bereavement leave.
  • How much bereavement leave are employees entitled to?
    The amount of bereavement leave employees are entitled to varies depending on the company's policy. Some companies may offer a set number of days off with pay, while others may allow employees to take unpaid leave or use their accrued vacation or sick time. It is important for employees to review the specific details of the policy to understand how much time off they are entitled to and how to request bereavement leave.
  • Can employees take bereavement leave for the loss of a pet?
    Some companies may allow employees to take bereavement leave for the loss of a pet, while others may not have a specific policy in place for this situation. It is important for employees to review the company's bereavement leave policy to understand if pets are included in the definition of immediate family members. If the policy does not specifically address pet bereavement leave, employees may need to use their accrued vacation or sick time to take time off to grieve the loss of a pet.
  • How should employees request bereavement leave?
    Employees should follow the company's standard procedure for requesting time off, which typically involves notifying their supervisor as soon as possible and providing documentation of the family member's passing. This may include an obituary, funeral program, or other official documentation. It is important for employees to communicate their needs clearly and respectfully to ensure that their request for bereavement leave is processed in a timely manner.

Importance of Bereavement Leave Company Policy

Having a clear and comprehensive bereavement leave company policy is crucial for any business. This policy not only demonstrates empathy and support for employees during difficult times but also helps maintain productivity and morale within the workplace. By providing employees with the necessary time off to grieve and attend to personal matters, businesses can show that they value their employees' well-being and understand the importance of work-life balance. Additionally, a well-defined bereavement leave policy can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts, ensuring that all employees are treated fairly and consistently during times of loss. Overall, implementing a bereavement leave company policy is essential for creating a supportive and compassionate work environment that fosters loyalty and trust among employees.


  • https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/policies/pages/cms_021265.aspx
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