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Computer use policy template

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Computer use policy outlines the guidelines and rules for employees regarding the appropriate use of company computers and networks. This policy typically covers topics such as acceptable use, security measures, data protection, and consequences for violating the policy. It is essential for organizations to have a clear and comprehensive computer use policy in place to ensure the security of company data and systems, as well as to promote a productive work environment.

The computer use policy is crucial for protecting sensitive information, preventing security breaches, and maintaining compliance with regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA. By clearly outlining the expectations and responsibilities of employees when using company computers and networks, organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks. Additionally, a well-defined computer use policy can help employees understand the importance of cybersecurity and their role in safeguarding company information.

To write a company computer use policy, follow these steps:

  • Start by defining the purpose and scope of the policy, including who it applies to and what devices and systems are covered.
  • Outline the acceptable use of company computers and networks, including guidelines for internet usage, software installation, and data storage.
  • Include security measures such as password requirements, encryption protocols, and procedures for reporting security incidents.
  • Specify the consequences for violating the policy, such as disciplinary actions or termination.
  • Review and update the policy regularly to ensure it remains current and effective in addressing new cybersecurity threats and technologies.

By following these steps, organizations can create a comprehensive and effective computer use policy that promotes cybersecurity awareness and protects company assets.

Computer Use Policy Template

Welcome to our organization! As part of our onboarding process, we want to ensure that all employees are aware of our Computer Use Policy. This policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for the appropriate use of company computers and technology resources.


Our organization provides employees with access to computers and technology resources to support their work responsibilities. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the secure and efficient use of these resources.


  • Employees are expected to use company computers and technology resources for work-related purposes only.
  • Personal use of company computers is limited to breaks and non-working hours.
  • Employees must not download or install unauthorized software on company computers.
  • All internet usage on company computers should be in line with our Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Employees are responsible for maintaining the security of their login credentials and reporting any suspicious activity to the IT department.


Our organization reserves the right to monitor computer usage to ensure compliance with this policy. Monitoring may include reviewing internet history, email communications, and software installations.

Consequences of Non-Compliance:

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Computer Use Policy and agree to comply with its guidelines.

Employee Signature: _______________________

Date: _______________

We are excited to have you on our team and look forward to working together in a secure and productive environment. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to the HR department.

- Computer Use Policy: [link]
- Acceptable Use Policy: [link]


  • What is the purpose of the computer use policy?
    The computer use policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for employees regarding the use of company computers and technology resources. It aims to ensure the security of company data, protect against cyber threats, and promote productivity in the workplace. By following the policy, employees can help maintain a safe and efficient computing environment.
  • Can employees use company computers for personal use?
    While some companies may allow limited personal use of company computers, it is important for employees to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the computer use policy. Personal use should not interfere with work responsibilities, compromise security, or violate any company policies. It is recommended to check with your HR department or IT team for specific guidelines on personal computer use.
  • What are the consequences of violating the computer use policy?
    Violating the computer use policy can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Consequences may vary depending on the severity of the violation and the company's policies. It is crucial for employees to understand and follow the guidelines set forth in the policy to avoid any negative repercussions.
  • How often is the computer use policy updated?
    The computer use policy is typically reviewed and updated on a regular basis to reflect changes in technology, security threats, and company needs. It is important for employees to stay informed about any updates or revisions to the policy. We recommend checking with your HR department or IT team for the most current version of the policy and any recent changes that may affect your use of company computers.

The computer use policy is crucial to any business as it sets clear guidelines for employees on how to use company technology responsibly and securely. By outlining expectations for internet usage, software downloads, data protection, and device security, the policy helps protect sensitive information, prevent cyber threats, and maintain productivity. Additionally, a well-defined computer use policy can also help mitigate legal risks and ensure compliance with industry regulations. Overall, implementing and enforcing a computer use policy is essential for safeguarding company assets and maintaining a safe and efficient work environment.

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