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Employee Probationary Period Policy template

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Employee Probationary Period Policy

Employee probationary period policy refers to the guidelines and procedures that a company follows when hiring new employees. During this probationary period, new hires are evaluated to determine if they are a good fit for the organization and if they meet the expectations set by the company.

Importance of Employee Probationary Period Policy

Having a clear and well-defined employee probationary period policy is crucial for both the employer and the new hire. It allows the employer to assess the new employee's performance, behavior, and overall fit within the organization. This policy also provides a structured approach to onboarding new employees and sets clear expectations from the beginning.

How to Write a Company Employee Probationary Period Policy

1. Define the length of the probationary period, typically ranging from 30 to 90 days.
2. Clearly outline the expectations and goals for the new employee during the probationary period.
3. Specify the evaluation process, including who will be responsible for assessing the new employee's performance.
4. Communicate the consequences of not meeting the expectations set during the probationary period.
5. Provide support and resources for the new employee to succeed during this period.

By following these steps, a company can create a comprehensive and effective employee probationary period policy that benefits both the employer and the new hire.

Employee Probationary Period Policy Template

Welcome to our organization! We are excited to have you join our team. As part of our onboarding process, we have established a probationary period policy to ensure a smooth transition for new employees.

During the probationary period, new employees will be closely monitored and evaluated to assess their performance and fit within the organization. This period typically lasts for [insert duration] and may be extended under certain circumstances.

Throughout the probationary period, new employees will receive regular feedback and support from their managers to help them succeed in their roles. At the end of the probationary period, a formal evaluation will be conducted to determine whether the employee will be confirmed in their position or if further action is necessary.

It is important for new employees to familiarize themselves with our company policies and procedures during the probationary period. This will help them integrate into the organization and contribute to our overall success.

For more information on our probationary period policy, please refer to our employee handbook [insert link to employee handbook]. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your HR representative.

We look forward to working with you and supporting you in your new role. Welcome aboard!


  • What is the purpose of the employee probationary period policy?
    The purpose of the employee probationary period policy is to provide a structured period of time for new employees to demonstrate their abilities and fit within the organization. During this time, both the employee and the employer have the opportunity to assess whether the role is a good match.
  • How long is the probationary period for employees?
    The length of the probationary period for employees can vary depending on the organization and the position. Typically, probationary periods range from 30 to 90 days, but some organizations may have longer or shorter periods based on their specific needs.
  • What happens if an employee does not meet expectations during the probationary period?
    If an employee does not meet expectations during the probationary period, the organization may choose to terminate their employment. It is important for both parties to communicate openly and honestly throughout the probationary period to address any concerns or issues that may arise.
  • Are employees entitled to the same benefits during the probationary period?
    Employees may be entitled to certain benefits during the probationary period, depending on the organization's policies. It is important for employees to review their employment contract or handbook to understand what benefits they are eligible for during this time.
  • Can the probationary period be extended for employees?
    In some cases, the probationary period may be extended for employees if additional time is needed to assess their performance. It is important for both the employee and the employer to discuss and agree upon any extensions to the probationary period to ensure clarity and transparency in the evaluation process.

The Employee Probationary Period Policy is crucial for any business to ensure that new hires have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and fit within the organization. By setting clear expectations and providing feedback during this initial period, employers can make informed decisions about the long-term success of their employees. This policy also helps to protect the company from potential legal issues by documenting performance evaluations and any necessary corrective actions. Overall, implementing a probationary period policy is essential for fostering a positive work environment and maximizing the potential of new hires.

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Workstream is the leading HR, Payroll, and Hiring platform for the hourly workforce. Its smart technology streamlines HR tasks so franchise and business owners can move fast, reduce labor costs, and simplify operations—all in one place.

46 of the top 50 quick-service restaurant brands—including Burger King, Jimmy John’s, Taco Bell—rely on Workstream to hire, retain, and pay their teams. Learn more at workstream.us.

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