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Flexible working hours policy template

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Flexible working hours policy allows employees to have control over when they start and finish work, as long as they complete their required hours. This policy typically outlines guidelines for how employees can request flexible hours, the process for approval, and any limitations or expectations that come with this flexibility.

The importance of a flexible working hours policy lies in its ability to promote work-life balance, increase employee satisfaction and productivity, and attract and retain top talent. By offering flexibility in when employees work, organizations can accommodate individual needs and preferences, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce. Additionally, flexible working hours can help reduce stress and burnout, improve morale, and create a more inclusive and diverse workplace.

To write a company flexible working hours policy, follow these steps:

  • Start by researching best practices and legal requirements related to flexible working arrangements.
  • Consult with key stakeholders, such as employees, managers, and HR, to gather input and ensure the policy meets the needs of the organization.
  • Clearly define the eligibility criteria for flexible working hours and outline the process for requesting and approving flexible work arrangements.
  • Include guidelines for how employees should communicate their work schedules, track their hours, and ensure accountability while working flexibly.
  • Provide information on how the policy will be communicated to employees, implemented, and evaluated for effectiveness.

By following these steps, organizations can create a comprehensive and effective flexible working hours policy that benefits both employees and the company as a whole.

Flexible Working Hours Policy Template

1. Purpose:

Our company recognizes the importance of work-life balance and understands that employees may have personal commitments that require flexibility in their work schedule. This policy outlines the guidelines for flexible working hours to accommodate the needs of our employees.

2. Eligibility:

All employees are eligible to request flexible working hours, subject to the approval of their manager. Requests will be considered based on the operational needs of the department and the ability to maintain productivity.

3. Types of Flexible Working Arrangements:

  • Flextime: Employees can vary their start and end times within a specified range.
  • Telecommuting: Employees can work remotely for a portion of their workweek.
  • Compressed Workweek: Employees can work longer hours on fewer days to have additional days off.
  • Job Sharing: Two employees can share one full-time position, dividing the responsibilities between them.

4. Request Process:

Employees must submit a formal request for flexible working hours to their manager, outlining the proposed arrangement and how it will not impact their job responsibilities. Managers will review the request and make a decision within [insert timeframe].

5. Approval:

Managers will consider the operational needs of the department, the impact on team collaboration, and the employee's performance history when evaluating requests for flexible working hours. Approval will be granted based on business needs and the ability to maintain productivity.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Managers will monitor the performance and productivity of employees with flexible working arrangements to ensure that work is being completed effectively. Regular check-ins and performance reviews will be conducted to assess the success of the arrangement.

7. Compliance:

Employees with approved flexible working hours must adhere to the agreed-upon schedule and fulfill their job responsibilities. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of the flexible working arrangement.

8. Resources:

For more information on flexible working hours and the request process, employees can refer to the [company handbook/HR portal] or contact the HR department.

9. Review:

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and make any necessary updates based on feedback from employees and managers.

[Source: U.S. Department of Labor - Flexible Work Arrangements: A Definition and Examples]


  • What is our company's policy on flexible working hours?
    Our company's policy on flexible working hours allows employees to adjust their work schedules to better accommodate their personal needs. This policy enables employees to start and end their workday at different times, as long as they complete their required hours and tasks. By offering flexibility in working hours, we aim to promote work-life balance and increase employee satisfaction and productivity. For more information on our flexible working hours policy, please refer to our employee handbook.
  • How can I request a change in my working hours under the flexible working hours policy?
    If you would like to request a change in your working hours under the flexible working hours policy, please submit a formal request to your supervisor or HR department. In your request, clearly outline the proposed changes to your work schedule and provide a rationale for why the change would benefit both you and the company. Your request will be reviewed and considered based on business needs and the impact on your team and workload.
  • Are there any limitations or restrictions to the flexible working hours policy?
    While our company values flexibility in working hours, there are certain limitations and restrictions to ensure smooth operations and maintain productivity. Employees must still meet their required hours and complete their tasks within a reasonable timeframe. Additionally, some roles may require employees to be present during specific hours for collaboration or client meetings. Any requests for changes to working hours will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine feasibility and impact on the team and business.
  • How does the flexible working hours policy benefit employees and the company?
    The flexible working hours policy benefits employees by allowing them to better balance their work and personal responsibilities. This flexibility can help reduce stress, improve job satisfaction, and increase overall well-being. For the company, the policy can lead to higher employee retention, increased productivity, and a more positive work culture. By offering flexibility in working hours, we aim to create a supportive and inclusive work environment that values the well-being of our employees.
  • Can employees switch back to regular working hours after utilizing the flexible working hours policy?
    Employees who have utilized the flexible working hours policy can switch back to regular working hours if needed. If you wish to return to your original work schedule, please discuss your request with your supervisor or HR department. We understand that needs and circumstances may change, and we are committed to accommodating our employees to the best of our ability. Any changes to working hours will be reviewed and approved based on business needs and operational requirements.

The implementation of a flexible working hours policy is crucial for any business to attract and retain top talent, increase employee satisfaction and productivity, and adapt to the changing needs of the workforce. By offering employees the flexibility to work when and where they are most productive, businesses can create a more inclusive and supportive work environment that ultimately leads to better business outcomes. Additionally, a flexible working hours policy can help businesses stay competitive in a rapidly evolving job market where work-life balance is increasingly valued by employees. Overall, prioritizing a flexible working hours policy is essential for businesses looking to thrive in today's dynamic and competitive landscape.

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