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Jury duty company policy template

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Jury Duty Company Policy

Jury duty company policy refers to the guidelines and procedures that a company has in place for employees who are summoned to serve on a jury. This policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the employer and the employee when it comes to fulfilling jury duty obligations. It typically includes information on how employees should notify their employer of their jury duty summons, whether they will receive paid time off for serving on a jury, and any documentation required to prove their service.

Importance of Jury Duty Company Policy

Having a clear and well-defined jury duty company policy is crucial for both employees and employers. It ensures that employees understand their rights and obligations when called for jury duty, preventing any confusion or misunderstandings. Additionally, a comprehensive policy helps employers manage the impact of employee absences due to jury duty, allowing them to plan and allocate resources effectively. By following a structured policy, companies can support their employees in fulfilling their civic duty while maintaining productivity and compliance with legal requirements.

How to Write a Company Jury Duty Policy

1. Research: Begin by researching federal and state laws regarding jury duty leave to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
2. Consult: Consult with legal counsel or HR professionals to understand best practices and recommendations for drafting a jury duty policy.
3. Outline: Create a detailed outline of the policy, including sections on employee notification procedures, paid time off eligibility, and documentation requirements.
4. Review: Have the policy reviewed by relevant stakeholders, such as managers and legal advisors, to ensure accuracy and clarity.
5. Communicate: Once finalized, communicate the policy to all employees through company-wide announcements, employee handbooks, or training sessions.

By following these steps, companies can create a comprehensive and effective jury duty company policy that benefits both employees and employers.

Jury Duty Company Policy Template

Welcome to [Company Name]! We understand that jury duty is a civic responsibility that may require time away from work. As such, we have established the following policy to support our employees who are called to serve on a jury.

1. Eligibility:

Employees who are summoned for jury duty are eligible for leave under this policy.

2. Notification:

Employees must provide a copy of their jury duty summons to their supervisor as soon as possible.

3. Leave Entitlement:

Employees will be granted unpaid leave for the duration of their jury duty service. However, employees may choose to use any available paid time off (PTO) or vacation days to cover their absence.

4. Documentation:

Employees must provide a copy of their jury duty certificate of attendance to HR upon their return to work.

5. Protection from Retaliation:

Employees are protected from any form of retaliation for serving on a jury. Any employee who believes they have been retaliated against for fulfilling their jury duty obligations should report it to HR immediately.

6. Questions:

If you have any questions about this policy or need assistance with jury duty leave, please contact HR.

We appreciate your commitment to fulfilling your civic duty and thank you for your understanding and cooperation in following this policy.

[Company Name] HR Team


- Jury Duty Laws by State: [source link]

- US Department of Labor: Employee Rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act: [source link]


  • What is our company's policy regarding jury duty?
    Employees who receive a jury duty summons are required to notify their supervisor as soon as possible. Our company policy allows employees to take time off for jury duty without fear of retaliation or negative consequences. Employees may be required to provide a copy of their jury duty summons to HR for documentation purposes. While employees are serving on a jury, they will receive their regular pay from the company.
  • Are employees required to use their vacation or sick days for jury duty?
    Employees are not required to use their vacation or sick days for jury duty. Our company policy allows employees to take time off for jury duty without using their accrued paid time off. This ensures that employees are not penalized for fulfilling their civic duty.
  • How should employees notify their supervisor about jury duty?
    Employees should notify their supervisor as soon as they receive a jury duty summons. It is important to provide as much advance notice as possible to allow for proper scheduling and coverage of work responsibilities. Employees should also inform HR of their jury duty service for documentation purposes.
  • What happens if an employee is selected for a lengthy jury trial?
    If an employee is selected for a lengthy jury trial that will require an extended absence from work, they should communicate with their supervisor and HR to discuss potential accommodations. Our company policy is to support employees in fulfilling their jury duty obligations while also ensuring that work responsibilities are covered during their absence. In some cases, employees may be eligible for unpaid leave or other accommodations to accommodate their jury duty service.
  • Can employees be penalized for serving on a jury?
    Our company policy prohibits any form of retaliation or negative consequences for employees who serve on a jury. Employees should feel confident in fulfilling their civic duty without fear of repercussions from the company. It is important for employees to notify their supervisor and HR of their jury duty service to ensure proper documentation and support during their absence.

Importance of Jury Duty Company Policy

Having a clear and comprehensive jury duty company policy is crucial for any business to ensure compliance with legal requirements and to support employees in fulfilling their civic duty. By outlining the procedures for requesting time off for jury duty, providing information on compensation and benefits during jury service, and communicating expectations for returning to work after serving on a jury, a well-defined policy can help minimize disruptions to operations and maintain a positive work environment. Additionally, a strong jury duty company policy demonstrates a commitment to supporting employees in their legal obligations and upholding the principles of justice and fairness in the community. Overall, implementing and enforcing a jury duty company policy is essential for promoting transparency, fairness, and legal compliance within the organization.

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