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Restaurant Payroll 101
Learn how to tackle the hardest aspects of paying restaurant workers from taxes and tip reporting to labor law compliance.
Why you shouldn’t ignore WOTC

Why you shouldn’t ignore WOTC

If you’re not making the most of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), your company is missing as much as $9,600 for each eligible new hire đŸ˜± While the Work Opportunity Tax Credit sometimes seems confusing, this webinar is here to help! We invited Amy Parman (Director of Training & Recruiting at Taziki's) to share her WOTC wizardry. Join her November 17th to learn:

  • Why all companies should consider WOTC in their staffing strategy
  • How to effectively source employees that qualify for the credit
  • How automation can put WOTC on “cruise control”


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